In Need Of Stricter Discipline – Another No Spend Month

In Need Of Stricter Discipline – Another No Spend Month

Yes, I am at it again. If you read my previous post then you already know about this spontaneous no spend month. So, unlike the last no spend a month, this one hasn’t been planned in advance… the reason for the last-minute decision is that 

No-Spend Month Final Verdict 😎

No-Spend Month Final Verdict 😎

So how did it go?? honestly not too bad for a first attempt at it. Well, that’s from my point of view anyway. I spent £10 on compost etc. but didn’t spend anything outside of that until the end of the month. Now, I did 

No Spend Months – Why Do Them?

No Spend Months – Why Do Them?

I am so excited to finally share this blog post with you all. It’s time to talk about discipline & self-control with no spend months. Now, I know this isn’t exactly like giving up your favorite candy or anything like that, it’s more so about