Creating Space For Inspiration

If you mainly work from home the impact is unimaginable. The environment needs to spark joy and invoke inspiration, making it easy for you to get into your zone and work comfortably day after day.

You should have a dedicated works space, to make it easier for you to switch off outside of working hours. Try the following steps to strike that match and get your spark back.

1. Get Organised

A lot of people swear by a little organisation, a little structure can go a long way. Try organising your work space in the morning or even the night before, a tidy workspace equal and tiny & structured blank canvas to start your working day.

Treat yourself to some cute desk accessories and maybe a plant, to elevate your workspace. An aesthetically pleasing and organised workspace will help you declutter your thoughts, by removing what may be a distraction of unknown blocker on your inspiration and creativity.

Find simple hacks for home office organisation here

2. Going Green? Feng Shui is a real thing

Greenery is a naturally destressing visual. Alter the mood around your space. Being outdoors is naturally destressing, so bring that into your workspace. Try an easy-to-care for succulent, such as Aloe Vera which has added benefits of purifying the air around you.

Easy to care for indoor plants

3. Zoning in to Zone out

Music is like Soul food, it comforts us all at various stages in life. There is a song for every occasion, so set the mood.

Experiment a little to see what works for you – find your genre and decide if lyrical music or instrumentals work best for you.

It sounds a little unconventional but don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. Although you may think listening to music may be distracting, in actual fact it can really help you to drown out the background noise and zone into what you are working on.

If you work in a particularly busy/noisy environment, opt for some noise cancellation headphones for those moments when 100% concentration is required.

4. Getting Comfortable

Your workspace should be as comfortable as possible. Think about it like your bed; if your bed is uncomfortable you won’t sleep very well, will you?

The same goes for your workspace, if it isn’t comfortable you won’t concentrate and stay in your zone as long. Especially on those days when you need to out in extra hours.

Is your computer at the correct height? Are you suitably supported? Nots sure… Check now

Using a laptop? – Get an external mouse instead of the touchpad , it makes all the difference trust me. – I personally use this duo

Over a period of time of using your laptops touchpad you will strain your fingers and wrists.

Stretched to do at your desk to release tension.

5. Is it lit?

A well lit environment changes everything – If you can work near a window or in a room with plenty of natural light, you’ll notice a slight boost in your concentration and mood.

Natural light boosts your mod in the same way that the sun induces happy hormones.

6. Take a break

Forcing yourself to power through when you’re concentration level is mediocre, will not benefit you.

If you feel stuck, then it is time to step away briefly. Maybe try working on something else for a while or stop working altogether for a set time. Working around the clock with little to no breaks doesn’t guarantee the production of your best work, or even more work completed.

A tired mind just like a tired body works slower and under 100%.

7. Digital Detox

Going ‘Blue Light’ free for a few hours a day.

Try to go for a block of time without your phone or laptop – a great time to grab a pair of wireless, noise cancellation headphones with your favourite playlist. Zone in your music, audio book, podcast anything to help you zone out from your working day.

A mini digital detox for a couple ours in your working day creates a distraction free zone. Put pen to paper and let your creativity flow. I like to cook during my down detox hours – I stick on my wireless headphones then dance and cook to my hearts content before winding down for dinner time. 😉

A larger amount of your quality ideas come when you disconnect from the outside world. Most of the everyday things we use today were created on paper before computers and laptops came into play as the main source of engineering anything. It never hurts to go old school from time to time.

8. Cut the BS – What’s working for you?

Every couple of months, take some time to consciously evaluate the work you are doing.

– What work are you currently doing?

– What work do you want to be doing?

– Which aspects or projects of your jobs do you find most stimulating?

Once you’ve answered these questions make a conscious effort to gradually recalibrate your working life, to include more aspects that stimulate you.

Maybe discuss the things you’ve come to notice with your manager? or do more of the work that stimulates you with certain clientele. Make a long-term commitment to re-evaluating what stimulates you and sparks joy.

This will help you to stay inspired & productive in the long term.

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