My Siblings Are The Best!

My Siblings Are The Best!

My siblings are the sweetest!

So, lately, I’ve been talking about how ready I am for another big change… so I want to move again! haha, I know.

I’ve been in my current home less than a year and I’m already ready for a change. I’ve been talking about it to my family and around my younger siblings… then my mum sent me a picture on WhatsApp of a letter one of my siblings wrote to Santa – A wish for me…

Little notes are put in our (UNUSED) fireplace from around October leading up to Christmas… if you want to know what my younger siblings want – go look in the fireplace! So anyway one of the notes she found was for me it says ‘Santa Roniqua wants a new house’.

Now don’t get me wrong, I would never ruin the whole Santa thing for my siblings. Especially not now. The last time a note went in there for me it was to say that I wanted a new car… later that year I got a brand new car that I loved and found it by accident. So this Christmas wish that was made for me, made me feel all mushy inside.

Knowing that out of all of the physical materialistic things that I would want a new home is near the very top of the list.

To see my home vision look here: